you have to understand teh dirfrence between BF1942 and other FPS, in bf1942 the maps are huge, teh game is long and the tide turns due to the suply lines
its not like DOD where everyone spawn in the same exact place with in a 20 sq foot area. in bf1942 you spawn over an aproximat eigth of a mile. the difrence is that in dod you can wipe out the team in a quck couple of burst and the spawn point is usualy farther behind the final flag. in BF1942 the points are the final objective. whether or not you can capture the last flag, the game does not end until the tickets reaches 0 the objective is to kill the team. where as it is not fair to camp the uncapturable spawn when there are otehr flags to get, it is naturaly ok to camp the last flag.
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