But those nations wern't truely communist...... they were only closer to communism.
It may be true that a truely communist nation may not be violent and cause the deaths of millions but so far it seems the road to communism does involve lots of violence and death. The chance of curroption is way to high. In addition you can argue till your blue in the face that those nations wern't communist and that in true communism those attrocities won't happen but it won't get you anywhere. To make what I think is a good analagy.... I don't know that absolute 0 is cold, no one knows that it is cold, no one has ever experienced absolute 0. But what we do know is that the closer we get to it the colder it gets so it is a fairly safe assumption to assume absolute 0 is cold. Now look at the same logic to governments where communism is absolute 0. Sure we have never been there but the closer we have gotten the more violent the nations have become.