Where are my financial buffs???
All my life I've let the women in my relationships handle the finances. All my life I've been the breadwinner, working hard and bringing in the large amount of cash in the relationship.
I didn't like the results. I'm a responsible, relatively young individual who just seemed to always shy away from his own finances. Truth be know, no one taught me about money when I was a kid, so I was scared to take on the responsibility.
Well, that all changed a few month ago and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. The best decision I've made so far is the purchase of Quicken. I've realized how much I'm worth, how easy it is to get out of debt and how smart it is to really take control and see where I spend my money.
So now I have my basic finances in order, I'm real comfortable with the control I have over my general income...
I don't know shit about my 401K or stocks. I know I have a considerable amount of each, as I was smart enough to invest in the ESPP and 401k through my company upon my being hired. However, I don't know how to read my portfolio or make my stocks work for me. I'm craving the knowledge that I know is at my fingertips.
Please provide me with links to some good sites that will start from the bottom, teaching the laymen the basics on up. I'd very much appreciate it!