Thread: Ghost Pain
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Old 01-06-2004, 03:37 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Phantom limb is real. There was a case where a man was injured in a motorbike accident, in which his fist was cleanched so tight his nails dug into his palm. His arm had to be amputated, and even after amputation his mind kept sending the pain signals because no other signal was being send from it.

After a month he stopped feeling it in his phantom hand but felt like nails digging into his forehead. The unused section of the brain that controled his right hand was starting to be used by the forehead which started extending up, in the place of the hand pain the forehead overtook it.

Doctors used a box of mirrors in which he looked into, put his "phantom" hand into the other side. The mind saw both of his hands, and he "opened" both hands from the clenched position and suddenly his pain that was there for 1.5 years was gone, and never came back.

Yes, the human mind is strange indeed. His mind had to be shown that his hand that wasnt there could be opened and alleve the pain.
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