please both of you go back and read onetime2's post. With the exception of the part about the president sleeping with poodles, it was dead on.
One is holding political office, one is not. One individuals character is of national interest to us, the other is not, etc etc etc. And this assuming they had done the same thing. I like Rush, but I would have lost total respect for him, had he been getting BJ's by a early 20something intern behind Marta's back.
This scenario is a fuck of a lot more telling about one's character (and to reiterate, an entertainer's character is neither here nor there as far as the rest of us are concerned, but the presidents....) than one who has had back back pain for years, develops a tolerance, and becomes addicted. And the orignal posters suggestion that this is a "designer drug", might have been more on target had the motivating factor been hedonism (as was Clinton's, without regard to his wife, the intern, or the country).
He was not found in possession of 100's and 100's of pills (as some have suggested he is being come down on as a dealer) - the mother fucker was never found in possession at one time of this quantity of that. That's like telling your average college kid that you have evidence he's bought 100 1/8's of weed over the last 4 years, so your going to try him as a dealer because of the quantity involved.
You're hypocrisy's really are stunning.