Good thread;
I personally don't like campers of any kind. I prefer quake matches where people are running around. Battlefield 1942 matches, where strategy for taking over is big instead of people just holding defense until time runs out, and Counter-Strike games where peoplare actually *striking.* I've never played this Desert combat game you speak of, and I really don't FPS game all that much anymore. The only "spawn killing" that i find is legit is in MMORPGs like Everquest, for obvious reasons. But even then, it is quite obnoxious when you're raiding a dungeon, and get to the boss, and some level 65s vs your level 53 are sitting at an hour long timer spawn say to you "this spawn is camped."
Now. Telefragging, Spawn Camping, etc etc... I don't believe in it. in CS, i don't believe in Snipe Camping.. its weak and takes away from the element of the "STRIKE" of the game. Same thing with allowing others to spawn.
NOW. In games like battlefield 1942, sometimes it is necessary. you ahve to win territory, so if you've got someone from the allies on the Iwo Jima map on the Carrier, and its the last spawn, its a given that it is the last thing you strike. That is for selective games such as that.
When I'm playing quake style games, I never camp spawn points (which cycle in a predictable pattern on most 1 on 1 maps) unless the person accuses me of cheating. I truly hate people of that time. I *will* spawn camp them if they accuse me of tsomething that is completely invalid once, twice, or three times, but never more, unless they are a very big ass. I will simply run along, and do my busines. If they say something like "you suck" or "i bet you don't get any pussy irl" or "its fags like you that make this game stupid." because i'm winning in a *legit* fashion, i will spawn camp them for a moment and say something of the nature "<3 -- I'm just playing the game."
I'm nto the greatest twitch player, but i'm better than some. It bothers me when the people who are worse than me complain and don't instead ask for pointers. :-/