Being from the Seattle area, I'm not the biggest SeaHawks fan out there, but it's nice to see them start winning again, but I thought that Hasselbeck's comments were good for a relatively inexperienced playoff team. He's a team captain, and it's his job to motivate the troops, and I thought he did that pretty well. Interceptions happen, it's the nature of a game like that, someone was gonna screw up and it was gonna cost whoever that was the game.
And all this Brett Favre crap. It reminds me of the last time that the 'Hawks were in the playoffs against Miami in 99, Dan Marino's last season. Seattle played a decent game and all the announcers could talk about was "Dan Marino this, Dan Marino that" Everyone I think was like yeah, that's Marino, but there's another team on the field. Same with Favre this weekend. Unbiased announcing? Doubtful.....
Oh well, Indy is gonna clean up I think.
Just my rant. Sorry for the length
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