Originally posted by OFKU0
Oversexed?,.. I dated a girl some time ago for about a year and a half and in that time we had sex between 45-60 times a month. That is not an exaggeration. At the very least it was once a day,everyday,all month long.
Same thing here. Altthough I didn't get bored but once in awhile I would get tired and wanted to sleep instead. I wish there was a counter on how many individual sperm was sacrificed in those act...
It's quite normal actually, I've heard of some species on this planet having sex like every damn moment of their life. If you ask me, I believe the line is drawn to the point where you or your parnter are pushing the other or himself/herself that ends up interferring your life. Sure sex is great but don't let it get too far by affecting your work schedule, your personal schedule or even a major aspect of the relationship.