Team Lancelot
Team Lancelot, named after a legend of lost tales named Sir. Lancelot.. Are a group of Crusaders who for thier own reasons, are fighting in the tournament. It is often described that when they win the tournament, they will use the power to disband it.. Others state that they want to win to bring reknown to the group..
Sir Valadeen
- The leader, both spritually and tactically, Valadeen is an older knight who has seen many battles. His strength however has not waned at all. Armed with a giant staff ending in a wickedly heavy cross, Valadeen has a long reach, keeping even multiple opponents at bay
Lady Catherine
- The idea of a female crusader is a new one, and many of the order do not pay her the respects she deserves. Catherine is a member of a holy order of nuns devoted to defending the faith (at all costs). Like all holy orders, she will not use bladed weapons, but her ball and chain is renowend (and named the "fist of heavens")... Catherine fights in a heavy suit of brass plate carved with a relief of the great battle of Ton'Gerlor.. (though only she remembers anything about that fight)
Sir. Gendan
We have already met Sir. Gendan.. He is the youngest of the order, and the first to step in. Armed with a footman's mace and a well used kite shield, Sir. Gendan is young, brash, and cocky.. something his opponants are good to exploit..
Father Devonis
The Father, known the world over as "The sword father" is something of a mystery. He wields two swords, something that sets him apart from most every other priest (as bladed weapons are not allowed on men or women of holy orders). He is however, the master of those two blades, and often he trains other sects' warriors in thier use. Despite his bulk, Devonis moves quickly, and the swords are almost as sharp as his insults..
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death