I don't know where either of you get the idea that Stoops is an asshole. Everything I have ever seen, or heard shows him to be a perfect gentleman. Our football team didn't end up the way we hoped - it was a good run but the wheels came off in the end. That in no way belittles what they accomplished or in any way denegrates Bob Stoops. To say he can't win when the chips are down is not only incorrect, it's assinine. Look at his record. The Sooners aren't losers by any stretch of the imagination - they may only be the third or fourth best team in the country at this instant, but they're way out ahead of several hundred others. The Sooners will be right back on top next year - and you can take that to the bank. We don't duck and run or hide from anyone.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!