Fixing humans.
I am terribly depressed. Everywhere I look I see the same pattern repeating itself. No mater how hard we tried, no matter what rules we made, we have not been able to contain the damned instinctive nature of the human being. A nature some would call evil.
Religions failed all over the globe. No matter what doctrine they advocated whether it be threatening people with eternal damnation; forcing all politicians to learn social and philosophical values; advocating love towards all humanity; or showing people that material wants and passions are but an illusion, in the end society remained unchanged.
Social codes and orders did no better. Be they of the bushido code, the knightly code, the musketeers, or modern day police. In the end they all fail to hold at bay the claws of corruption.
Political systems are no exception. Be it monarchism, communism, fascism, dictatorship, or even democracy; corruption always seeps in.
The recurring theme is always the same. No matter what rules we create, those that are good will use them for good and those that are evil will find a way to use them for evil.
The best that society has been able to do is to amputate the infected doctrine and create a new one in its place. In the end, it only buys us time. Usually its only a matter of years; sometimes even decades. Yet sooner or later the foundation becomes corrupted and society is once again divided into wolves and sheep. The corrupt can never sedate their greed, always wanting more they take all they can until society could give no more. In what is often a violent spasm rips society proceeds to rip out the cancer.
So I am at a loss. How can we possibly end this vicious cycle? Can we keep out those who would use any laws, any morals and any values we create in the name of good for their own personal gain, which is nothing but an instinctive drive to be the alpha male/female. Can we change change the very nature of a human being?