Wow .. I can't believe I haven't seen this. Michael Jackson hangs his kid out a window and gets major publicity. How much publicity has this gotten? I myself personaly think a situation like this one is far more dangerous than Michael Jacksons stunt, but on either behalf they are both a couple of idiots.
Bad thing about these stunts and the media along with the publicity it gets is that it is going to wind up having an impact on the laws and people are going to start looking for situations people maybe doing in everyday life that could endanger a child that we may not think of it as a situation involving child endangerment, Just sitting here thinking about things I have seen people do and things I have done I could name alot of diffrent situations. Just walking out on an ice covered sidewalk carrying a child could be looked at as child endangerment. If you slip and fall that child is going down with you. How far will this go I have to wonder what kind of am impact is this kind of publicity going to have on us when it comes to changes in the law.
Can you imagine Moses asking Congress to pass the ten commandments?