mantus: fair of the bible should not be to the total exclusion of other sources. reading, understanding, and seeking from other traditions has been a part of my faith, and its something i would heartily reccomend. there is indeed much wisdom, life, and the divine in other traditions. sometimes i'm struck by how much is the same as from what i'm used to....the universals of faith. and sometimes there's something very new.
but for whatever wisdom i've is the Jesus story (and supporting hebrew traditions) that i'm drawn back to. and i can't really explain this. i cannot prove that it is the best path, in fact i'm quite sure that there is no such thing. but the affinity remains...and for many others. perhaps it is simply our upbringing. or maybe its the story.
in the end...i don't think that a Christian idenity is ended by or prohibits a full contemplation of other traditions.