Originally posted by Endymon32
Why not? Did you agree with wars stoping nazism? Their body count was a pittance compared to communism. The nazis killed about 13 million people. The communists killed 125 million. If you agree that stopping Nazis was good, then how can you not agree that stopping communism was better?
I agreed to stop Hitler. I can't say for sure if I would agree to stop Nazism because I'm not educated enough in what Nazism means, although i know it isn't simply Hitlerism. With that said communism does not condone killing it however is an unfortunate side effect of the past implimentations of communism.
I have problems with people forcing opinions of others onto them, now i'm not positive on the details of all the puppet wars of the past, but i know that many of them occured because the US wanted to stop a peaceful spread of communsim. I can see going in and defending a nation if they are being attacked but to go in just because a nation wants to be communism is silly. Let them do what they want with the nation and if they mess up either by human rights violations or other frowned upon activites then go in. Think of it this way you can tell a child to not do something over and over and they may or may not listen but in the end they need to learn for themselfs why something is bad.