Originally posted by Mantus
I can't believe that people are actually agreeing with what vermin posted.
That kind of attitude is just stupid “my parents did it to me so I will do it to you” playground bullshit. If one still has that kind of mentality then perhaps one should think twice about having children. When a person has a child it’s their responsibility to raise the child right. If a parent has to resort to searching their kids rooms and random check-ins then clearly the parent did not raise their child right. The ironic thing is that this sort of behavior prevents NOTHING. The kids will still do drugs, fuck, read whatever they want, listen to whatever music they want, they just wont do it when the parent is around. Most of the time they will do these things just to spite the parents. When they turn 18 and set loose on the world, any problems they may have from this upbringing is the PARENT’S FAULT. sigh…rant over…
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the prevailing attitude of parents today, and it is the primary reason our society's children are in the shitter.
When I was growing up, I rarely saw kids misbehaving in stores/restaurants. Now I rarely see them behaving. Why? Parents have decided it's too damn much work to raise their kids, and then they invent moronic excuses for why they won't raise them. The idea that "he'll do it anyway so why should I have to do anything about it" is complete and utter crap. Even if he will do it anyway, at least it won't be your fault if you actually do your job as a parent.
It is a parent's JOB to know what their kid is up to. It's the parent's JOB to make sure the kid isn't doing illegal/immoral things in his room. If you want to be a parent, be prepared to do your JOB. Otherwise, don't be a parent. I don't want your rotten kid corrupting mine