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Old 01-03-2004, 09:32 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally posted by silent_jay
i never said it was ok now i simply said that it is a smart gureilla tactic. morally i know it is wrong to do this, but part of me say's you gotta do what you gotta do, the iraqis know they can't beat the US conventially and they are trying anything to hold onto thier country. they shot down a chopper and then went to the crash site after the US thought it was secure, and attacked them
smart tactics for a minimum number of troops it took the iraqis
I know if a foreign country invaded my country and we were vastly outgunned we'd resort to any tactic to kill the enemy, it's just human nature. While the US thinks of it's self as liberators, you have to face the facts that not everyone agrees with you and will try to kill as many servicemen as possible with whatever means possible. I know Americans would do the same if the roles were reversed.
wish you were here
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