Well when my roomate was in his room he noticed that two wireless connections were available...linksys and linksys.... so we connected to the connection seeing oh cool its an 802.11b connection we can connection with our wireless g cards

so we connect and I told my roomate $100 says they didn't change the default password for their router.....so I tried it and nope they left it as the default settings...so me and my roomate are laughing our asses off....well later that night we connect to theirs again. (during midday we changed our ssid and we do have a mac filter on it) so we connect and we where like omfg they are online...so looking at the folders that xp defaultly shares we found out the guys name was justin...so then we where like oh cool....so we tried to get into those folders...(it automatically was connecting me as guest) and my roomate was like hmm try the guys first name as a password...and boom we got in...(he didn't have much shared besides about 20 mp3's. As we are browsing throught the network we found out he named his workgroup after his last name so me and my roomate looked up his address and holy shit it was 4 blocks aways (which in my knowledge is good distance for 802.11b so then i'm like shit i got a good joke so i change my laptops name to server and the reboot and then i do a net send with the following message "your computer will restart in 5 minutes please save all your documents", i was tempted to do the amish virus joke... anyways me and my roomate are thinking of going over there and offer them some words of wisdom on internet security