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Old 01-02-2004, 03:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: St. Paul, MN
What Christianity Can Be

starting a thread on what Christianity isn't defined by...i knew that i would be asked for a positive description. i waited on it, because i don't want to give the impression that i'm attempting to define the issue. i'm offering my perspective...for whever that's worth.

ten points that i think point to the ways in which Christianity can and is changing for the better:

1. Christianity can be about grace. For a religion started on the premise of God's unimaginiable gift of grace, it has gotten weighed down with a lot of guilt, shame, and fear. People often charge that with out fear of God, there can be no sincerity of religion. I think that's crap. Separation from God is something to be grieved, not something to be avoided simply because you'll burn. God isn't the response to sin. Faith isn't about making yourself acceptable to God. It is about relationship, one started with a gift. (Jhn 3:16)

2. The bible can be support that relationship, when freed from literalism. When the texts are something to be accepted, to bend every other fact to, they becom very harmful. The whole idea of heresy is based on the idea that Jesus was about exclusivity, something that his ministry undermines. The tradition of scripture that Jesus was familiar with and used was one of discussion, arguement and relationship. The texts were to be studied, honored, and interpreted, but not in the sense of simply reading the words and taking them at face value. (Lk 4) Biblical study needs academic rigor and imagination to counter excessive literalization. The scriptures are artifacts of faith, not idols of worship.

Similarly, we must own up to texts that support violence, exclusion and evil. It is not enough to say we don't follow them. We must point to why-the ways in which they are critiqued and subverted by the larger message of the text. Inheriting an ancient tradition is a honor, but it is also a liability. We cannot be theological hostages to mistakes of anger made long ago.

When we don't claim that every word is the "Word of God" verbatim, we can be honest about our revelation: there is profound truth, but one that is not easy to define. It is found in struggling with the texts, openly argueing and challenging and working with, not choking them down.

3. Christianity can be open to anyone with out being for everyone. I believe in the great commission. Christ calls us to teach all nations the good news of his work on earth. But i don't think that means door knocking until the whole world is Christian. There are so many works of faith that we are called to-to serve the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, free the opressed...that it is in those works that we will bear our greatest witness to the light (Matt 25). And when anyone asks why...we can tell them that we come in the name of the servant Christ.
Conversly, to anyone who is drawn to our community, we need to open our doors. Barriers of gender idenity, sexual orientation, race, class...have no role in defining Christian community. There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female. All are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

4. Christianty can be more than a country club. Too often, it has become a comfortable faith that idenitifies with the rich. But there is a revolution in the words of Christ. Anything we have here is nothing on its own. To rewrite tolkien, it is what we do with the lives that are given to us. That means our talents, time, wealth. It will serve Christ, or it will serve something else. We need to choose.

5. Christianity can recover its Jewish roots. In my study of the Gospels, i have found a startlingly semitic faith, grounded in tradition, and with out the senseless conflict and rivalry that have marked Jewish-Christian relations for 2000 years. The Old Testament is not simply the prolouge to the New. We need to relearn those texts... The vocabulary of faith, expectation, and relationship that Judiasm has needs to find Christian audiences.

The conception of the Old Testament as simply being legalism must be shattered. It traces the evolution of faith in a God who loves steadfastly, is the source of justice, and walks with us in our lives.

6. Preaching can do more. It is not simply enough to have a sermon that is interesting, telegenic, or packs the house. We are in possession of one of the most complicated and rich pieces of literature on earth. What passes for critical interpretation in modern preaching is truely a shame. A trained, academic, imaginative clergy is needed. It will only come from a laity that has been inspired to search beyond the surface, to explore their faith in new ways.

7. Christianity can use it's privildge for good. For better or for worse, Christian leadership of the west is undeniable. If the world wants to give Christians power or respect, we must make a show of how we use it. Privildge must be used to serve those who are marginialized...true compassion is when we speak up in outrage over the wounds we don't suffer, but see inflicted on those who are different.

8. Theology can be remade. Doctrine has become a constant defense game. Christians are spending their energies trying to rationalize a narrow reading of the texts and traditions. Theology at it's root means the science of God. Science means experimenting to find facts. Science doesn't start with conclusions. It starts with questions. It invites scrutiny, not flattery. We need to live in the promise and hope, not in close minded certainty. Simply declaring that there is a big man in the sky has ceased to be compelling on many levels. We need to listen to how God is proclaiming God's self...and explore with minds and hearts open.

9. Christianity can stop fighting against modernity, and start fighting to be become a part of it. Christians have set themselves against science or progress in the name of faith to God...and we need to explore why. It is not a good use of time to declare that Galieo is an offence against God's majesty. Christianity needs to get out of the business of explaining the physical world. That has never been its strong point.

It is a far better use of time to fight to reform the inhumanity of modernity-how the poor are cast off on the world stage, how we have cynically embraced dangerous dictators to protect us from other dangerous dictators, a lack of investment in educating and protecting children, and all the other ways in which society does not treat human life with respect. We must be a passionate voice, not a crazed one.

10. We can find new energy. Ultimately, Christianity is about amazing, good news. We have a positive, open message for anyone who wants to listen. Turning our back on negativity, exclusion, and fear will not be easy. We are humans, mired in human shortcoming. But with grace, we can find the other answer...the one that doesn't rely on competition, but subverts the idea that we are set against anyone in the first place. This story has had life in it for 2000 years, despite all that's been done to contain it in a creed, or a cover it in human ideas of saved and damned. It is a story of life and love given freely to friend and foe alike. It is a story that speaks to our needs, and God's constant chase of us. We need to let it be free.
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