Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I can read auras to an extent, I can "see" ghosts and somehow sensesome things that aren't there. It fascinates me, I research this kind of stuff due to whatever natural aptitude I may have. It helps me at times, but even if I could cure the sick and see the future, I wouldn't charge anyone for help. If I had the gift of healing or sight, I would assume that I was given it for a reason other than to make money.
I believe that there are people out there that have psychic abilities. I believe that most people that claim to have psychic abilities are probably just very intuitive people that are great at knowing what you want to hear. On many occasions I have come into contact with some of these people and I have never been totally taken aback by anything they had said; most of the time they simply try to tell you what has happened in your past and move into what happens next. I have always been intrigued by the whole concept and have been in concact with many people known for these abilities.
From my experience it's the people that go into little detail and focus on few things that have something real to offer.