reunite with a province artificially partitioned by the Brits, sate OPEC and stop the Kuwaitis' nasty habit of drilling sideways into our oilfields?
1) Iraq itself was a province partitioned by the Brits, so this is kind of a retarded fact thrown in to point more attention to Western states for the tourmoil in the Mid-East.
2) Drilling sideways? Oil fields in the Mid East are not deep, they are wide. 3 Fields encompass the entirety of Kuwait, and the fact is these fields were there LONG before the nation of Kuwait was formed, sorry if they dont follow artificial borders. Saying they were drilling sideways is complete BS, they were both drilling the same field and Iraq wanted the oil.
We do not have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait
Welcome to politics and the military. No one in the US military (nor smart politicians) will make any type of promise without getting direct permission from a higher up. They did NOT say they would not help defend Kuwait, nor did it say they could attack. It simply stated the truth, we did not have any treaties at the time nor did we have any special quick-reaction forces dedicated to the defense of that nation.
Well, yeah, but Donald Rumsfeld gave me a note
Fair enough, but it was France/Germany who sold them to Iraq, we just turned a blind-eye in a lesser of the two evils approach.
Yeah, as America we did a horrible thing by turning a blind-eye. How though, can you seriously put all this evidence on the table and still be against the war? Yes, those millions of people who died under Saddam can not be brought back, and the blood is as much on our hands as it is his... so how in the world would you be against stopping it? Putting an end to this sick bastard and his demonic sons... we went decades watching this bastard and finally we're doing something about it.
Be for the war, be against it... I dont care. What I do care is your best arguments all seem to SUPPORT it. We made mistakes, we're trying to fix it now, and you try to impede it anyways.