People get offended when they want to get offended. Some people get offended by cuss words. Well, fuckin a, sorry to offend you, but get over yourself. Some people get offended by pop music, does that mean that we should all pretend we don't listen to britnet spears so as not to step on anyone's toes? To answer the threads question, yes, someone, somewhere, is probably offended by it. Someone somewhere is offended by everything. It is interesting to see someone who seems to lean right argue for more political correctness.
It always gives me a sad chuckle to hear anyone express righteous indignation over satire. You know there are whole groups of people who consider themselves catholic who mock and criticize the catholic church. So is it allright for a catholic to criticise or satirize catholicism, or is criticism just off limits alltogether? Should we just pretend that the catholic church is flawless and has never done the world any ill will? Not to single out catholicism, because there are quite a few religions who suffer from a serious lack a sense of humor.
The difference between religion and race is that religion is a matter of choice. When you claim to be a member of such and such religion you are making a statement about what you believe. Whereas being black or white or chinese or whatever has no bearing on who you are as a person or what you believe.