01-01-2004, 07:18 PM
#147 (permalink)
I am reposting this cause it was ignored by Strange Famous. I would like a reply to this, one that is not just a link to a book, or a cut and paste from a socialist website. Nor would I like a one sentence " COmmunism will clear all pimples and smell pine fresh" answer. I would like you to explain, in your own words, siting examples to back up your points. Not a robotic, cult like answer from some pamphlet.
Originally posted by Endymon32
I have another question. What is to stop this? Some workers just dont work. They slack off, they call in sick, they do shoddy work. Can they be fired in your Communist uptopia? What is the incentive to the other workers to work harder? Do they get individual raises? More time off? Shorter waits on the line for cheese?
If I realised that I was not going to get a raise, and I see others slacking off, and not getting fired, why should I work hard?
If they do get fired for slacking, what happens? Do they stop getting paid? Do they loose their house? Do they get another job and slack off?
How is the hard worker rewarded and the slacker discouraged?
Does the manager get more pay than the worker? If not, what is the benifit of being the manager? If so, then that is not sharing, as the worker, by defintion of communism, is the most important part of a company.
Why be a doctor? Why goe through all that schooling, and stress to not be rewarded for your hard work.
Why open a store at all? If you open a shop, it doesnt belong to you. So the government will open Comic Book Stores? Porno Shops? Art Movie THeaters?
Why will I make a movie? How can I profit off it? Why risk such a hit or miss proffesion if I can just make an easlier living slacking off in some office?
Why write a book? I wont be able to keep the rights of the book, it will belong to the state, and I will not recieve the compenstion if it is a hit.
Can I move if I dont like my home? What is to prevent anyone from living in the best homes in say, Beverly Hills, or the slums in East LA? What is the criteria for those places? Can I choose to live in a nice mountain estate, or will the government decide that i have to live in a flat in Brooklyn?
What if I dont like my job? Can I switch jobs? What about my doctor? What if he is one of those slackers? Do I have to stay with him? How many grocery stores will the government fund in my area? What if my only store is filled with slackers?
Why should the meat inspector work hard? What is his insentive? Again, can he be fired, and if so, does he share in this communist utopia?
All these things, can and did happen and still happen in Communist states. This is why their econonmies slowed down, and crashed.