Oh guys this is getting silly, I promised myself that I would not post here for a while but I feel that I should.
Not why I'm here. When it comes to the belief in God, I only point out the possibility. If you don't want to examine the possibility, I don't see how anything that I say will change your mind.
By acknowledging this you are also acknowledging the possibility of god not existing. The statement works both ways. If god is a possibility then it is also possible that god does not exist. So there is a 50% chance of god not existing without even discussing any properties of god. As properties are added the chance of any particular concept of god being correct becomes less and less likely to be true.
But who cares about odds. What’s important is what you do with the concept of god, whose existence you have hope in.
Ethics, morality, creation, the nature of the universe, existence, angels, souls, afterlife, luck, fate, we can discus all of these concepts with or without a god. Our model of the universe works just as well without a god so I must ask the ask:
What makes you choose god as the final answer? Why do you choose to believe in a god?