Ok, lemme get this straight. The ARMY/etc, are magically going to abandon the Govt, Capitalism, what-the-fuck-ever, and save your ass. Riiiiiiight. For your own sake, you had better HOPE so, because you'll NEED 'em.
Do me a favour, pommie. You want my guns, YOU come get them! Don't send some hired thug with a badge to do it for you, yourself lacking the testicular fortitude; YOU do your own dirty work.
Let me do a little math for you; even if you succeed in disarming 99% of gunowners, and siezing 99% of our guns, that's still 85,000 VERY upset people, in posession of something on the order of 2.7 MILLION weapons. Do you REALLY want to tangle with that, considering that the 3-500-man IRA fought your SAS to a standstill for 30 years? Think about Free Derry or Bogside, blown up by a few Orders of Magnitude, and you may have some idea of the fight you'll be in for. Think about that VERY carefully.
Now, think about all the non-gunowners this unscientific claptrap you call Communism is going to piss off; we'll have plenty of spare guns to lean them, won't we? And if you think you won't be MASSIVELY resisted, on all fronts, you have lost your mind, boyo.
I have a professor who grew up in the Sov Union, saw his entire family destroyed by the brutality which Marx gave birth and voice. Anatoly is a very tired old Cossack, but he's still got plenty of fight in him, and so do a lot of other folks like him.
Tell you what, you stay over there in England, with your failing medical system, your abysmal transportation, soaring crime rate, and castrated, unmanned populace. I'll stay here, and stay Free, thanks, where people can still carry a pocketknife, and where farmers can defend themselves from violent thugs, without fear of going to prison for it.
"I personally think that America's interests would be well served if after or at the time these clowns begin their revolting little hate crime the local police come in and cart them off on some trumped up charges or other. It is necessary in my opinion that America makes an example of them to the world."
--Strange Famous, advocating the use of falsified charges in order to shut people up.