Ok, Strange Famous, here's a question.
I myself am a Libertarian, but I pose this to you as an intellectual exercise, if you will.
If the Proletariat do not posess arms, how do you propose to sieze the Means of Production from the Capitalists? If the Capitalists do, as you say, control the militaries and weapons of the world, how will you overcome them if the Proletariat are ( as you advocate ) disarmed? Sing at them perhaps, or "taunt them a second time?"
Your advocacy of Proletariat Disarmament makes clear your own Bourgoise, classist disposition clear for all to see. Please explain how you reconcile these mutually exclusive positions.
"I personally think that America's interests would be well served if after or at the time these clowns begin their revolting little hate crime the local police come in and cart them off on some trumped up charges or other. It is necessary in my opinion that America makes an example of them to the world."
--Strange Famous, advocating the use of falsified charges in order to shut people up.