That kid sounds like an idiot.
He isnt get bullied because he holds offensively right wing views, he is being bullied (sadly) because he is a complete and total nerd I suspect.
He says he has a problem with illegal immigration, but clearly only if those immigrants arent white (he then denies he is a racist), he calls left wing teachers traitors (traitors to what?)
No one should be beaten up just for expressing political views, but when those views seem to amount to telling a whole ethnic group of people they should be thrown out of the country, I have to agree with the teachers that this is going to cause him problems. The teachers should be protecting him, but given that he has set up a hotline for people to attack them, can he be so shocked if they wont?
I mean, he has even invited people from the NRA into a school social club, what kind of person is he? People should be more political, but on the whole, maybe he should play more video games or try and get with girls rather than worrying about how many Spanish people live in his town.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas