Would this be offensive?
I checked out the webcams on the forum. Most are just static shots of people mugging for the camera. Whatever. But one had a woman dressed as nun giving head, then it changed to a scary skull nun with the quote " what I learned in Catholic school"
I am not offened even though I recieved a wonderful catholic school education. Also I am an athiest, so I dont particularly care one way or the other about these images.
But would the creator of such images ever be brave enough to post images of say, A rabbi buggering another rabbi? Or A female giving a rabbi head?
Or Planes crashing into the twin towers with a quote,
"what I learned in my Madrassa"
Or would that be offensive?
So is it only ok to mock christianity and call it art? Can you mock Islam and call it art? Judaism?
I am curious to see if this artist will ever be brave enought to mock things other than the "safe" target.