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Old 12-30-2003, 11:19 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Clinton built the military that Bush just used.

Thank you... one of the best laughs I've had in a LONG time.

PLEASE... learn what went on before spewing crap like this. The military we have today was built in the 80s/early 90s. M1A1, Apache, night vision, computer-connected digital relay, advanced weapon guidance systems, super-mobile/quick response military, I could go on for hours. Guess what, these were NOT given contracts under Clinton. Clinton DRASTICALLY reduced the size and capabilities of the military. If you dont believe me look it up, talk to some of the military brass and see how much they enjoy the military he built. Under Clinton the yearly military pay increase was thrown out, causing 50% of the armed services to go under food stamps. If you don't believe me my father spent 23 years in the Navy, I saw it first hand growing up first under Reagan/Bush then Clinton.

Ok, we aren't in an official war
We may not be in a declared war, but tell any uniformed man we are not in a war and he'll laugh in your face. The military declares offical "war zones" in peacetime or in times of war. Iraq has been a war-zone since the end of the first Gulf-War. According to US Military doctorine being within the boundaries of a war-zone you are subject to wartime legislation, which means yes, they CAN legally hold you. What kind of fighting force would you have if 1/4 of your force left every year.

All but one has put in his discharge papers. All of them did it specificially because they are either pissed they have been in Iraq so long, or to keep from being deployed there in the future.
Sucks, but they knew what they signed up for. NEVER did any of their recruiters promise they will never see combat.

Are you a reservist? Do you know the kind of sacrifices these people have already made?
Yes, I am. I am not in Iraq at the moment because I am currently in school to become an officer. But as stated above, I, as well as EVERYONE who signs up knows exactly what they are giving up. The life of a soldier is not an easy one.
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