I did some clothes shopping yesterday and was very surpised and some price differentials of different products. Luckily, i guess, i don't fret for any kind of clothing label or fashion image really. However this was teh first time, in a while i got around to have a looksee at lots of different clothes etc.
Now i was looking at brandX shirt and what was in it (what material etc) and they were basically the same as brandY at this other store. HOwever, the price differential was $100 to $20. I find it hard to imagine that the shirt was 5 times more than the other when basically it had similar material and effects (like the patteren etc).
There where a few other comparisons with highly differing ratios as well. It was also interesting for me, cause i didn't know who most of the high-end brand names where, but you could tell by the price tag and that's all really

But i guess, more educated people in
labelism would quickly point out the better shirt by it's given label/tag/brand name
I mean i thought one of the cheaper ones was better than the more expensive one, in both style and quality, then i saw the price tag and realised what the cool brand was
bascially thoug, dress is subjective and a lot of people who buy more pretentious clothing like to say thet like finer things and nice things in life. Although i am not a complete dunce at fashion and realised that a lot of the materials where the same and so quality etc was just bullshit cause they where roughly the same and basically the name was everything. Sure in some cases, fine clothes are made by some extravagent material and evidentally cost heaps, but it's amazing to see such comprable products get quite overpriced, just for the label.
So how much are labels costing you?
edit: also, i am a ltitle pissed at this cause i got some new shoes the other day. After a long time of searching i finally found some that i liked in terms of comfort and the look of and style etc (namely though, since i have large feet it's hard to find my size as well).. but was pissed that they had to be this sepcific brand, cause i knew that would've made it inherently more expensive, even though from a quality perspective they probably weren't