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Old 04-29-2003, 03:50 PM   #23 (permalink)
Location: BC, Canada
I agree with rock_bottom here, ultimate is a great sport. I've been playing it for 4 years now and it is a great workout. BBall is too but Ultimate is just so much more.

Ultimate has many different levels of play though so if Sixate played in one of the "lower" levels, he probably did find it easy. But take it to the upper echelon of play and he wouldn't be able to keep up.

The game takes finesse, endurance, and class. Sixate says there is no market for the game. He couldn't be further from the truth, there are over 500,000 players across the world with a 150,000 in the states alone. It has had media coverage as are some links to articles:

New York Times

USA Today

Wall Street Journal

Forbes Magazine

Some athletes that play the game (From the USA Today article):
former and current NFL players Shannon and Sterling Sharpe
Olympians Picabo Street and Eric Heiden

Some info on what the game combines:
Ultimate, a high-endurance sport with few basic rules, combines the nonstop movement of soccer, the defensive strategies of basketball and the passing of football, former US. masters team captain Andy Borinstein says. The sport revolves around passing a plastic disc. On a rectangular area shaped similarly to a football field, seven-player squads must complete a pass in the opposite end zone to score. To advance the disc, the player with possession has 10 seconds to pass in any direction. Athletes may not move with the disc or initiate physical contact with another player.

I think the popularity of it will increase even more in year's to come. In Vancouver and Ottawa the leagues are the largest organized leagues in the cities. There is a 30% growth rate in Ultimate per year. This sport will see its day.
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