Since existence is absurd, holding a believe in God is absurd. If God does existence in some form other than "all you see is a manifestation of God" (this doesn't speak of creation, intention, etc... all exists with NO explanation). The lack of explanation, the silence of the universe, lends me to have no reason to believe in God. To believe in God out of a fear of retribution and punishment is Bad Faith for me - the idea of a God that punishes me for not believing in him/her (God doesn't have a good pronoun really...) is also absurd. It sounds rather metaphorical also. The idea of heaven is just as absurd, is there inherent meaning to existence by simply living in heaven. I fail to see purpose in hell certainly, but I also fail to see it in the idea of heaven. And, since human existence is defined by an embodied mind, the believe in an afterlife is also absurd to me. When the mind and body dies, there isn't anything left. Have you ever met someone that was completely changed into a new person after having brain damage, surgery, or perhaps a debilitative mental illness? My experience in dealing with all of these kinds of people leads me to believe that no one has an essential essence (sounds almost redundant...), a pure spirit or anything like that - we are all very dependent on our flesh for defining who we are. With that gone, we are nothing. As such, you live and you die... in the end you are nothing, just like in the beginning (we are also born without essence... life is a process of creating our essence).
Believing in God would do nothing for me; it would be hollow and feel empty. I still have reverence for existence, I am filled with wonder, and I certainly can love with all of my heart.