Well.. according to boondock saints.. a Toilet works quite well!.. as well as the cover for the tank.. that would be a nice weapon. Glass from anything works.. or just throw someone through your window.. break their head through the window...
HairSpray! Now I haven't used it like mace, but I can only imagine that stuff would sting in your eyes. Same goes for many things in an aerosol can. On top of that most of it is flammable. Aside from trying to make a risky Blow Torch.. After you sprayed them, aside from their hair, they'd be highly flammable.
If you have any type of tools in your garage... all of that is deadly.. put on some thick gloves, and grab a spare cicular saw blade... (or if it doesn't plug into a wall.. grab the whole thing!

Water Balloons.. not much dmg, but its bound to at least make them pause for a second.. especially filled with Scolding hot water.
Rulers - can always sharpen the wooden ones if needed
Forks! -- I'm not talking about stabbing, I once got burnt by one. If its made by a weaker metal.. say the stuff they have in school.. start bending it back and forth over and over again.. right before its about to break, that metal is REALLY hot. Make contact to someone's skin. I had a scar on me for over two years because of that.
Small Hand-held Objects - We all know anything small that can be thrown works great.
Rope - duh?
Women's Nylon stuff - I forget the name, but it easily doubles as rope for purposes of strangling.
Purse -- Its like using a sock with soap.
Did anyone say
Golf Club
Pocket Change - My cousins can snap those at you and leave nice marks.
Ok I'll stop here, with one last thing, as I might have listed some duplicates... I think a
Tall CD Tower could double like a baseball bat
edit: I have to add this one in:
Super Glue - I mean if you could get that one someone... that would mess them up a little.