Originally posted by Xiangsu
What would it take for you to believe there is no god?
I suppose for me it would take what a lot of athiests say. A lot of proof. As of right now.. its rather hard to give some good hard proof for EITHER direction. I originally didn't give a shit about god.. no matter what my parents said.. I only went to church because they finally woke me up. On my own I came to the rationalization of God. I've seen a lot and experienced so much that it cannot be natural. Enough that even chemical that could produce visions... can't work... Just too many. I can't ignore the possibility, but at this point in my life it would take a lot.
Originally posted by Xiangsu
If you found out there was no god how would it change your life? What would you do differently?
Honestly? It wouldn't change a thing. I don't live my life the way I do because of God, its just that my life style fits with God. Don't take this to think I believe in him for Security. Its simply that I like how I'm living my life. If God didn't exist.. I'd probably "give props" to whoever started up the whole God thing, laugh a little, then go on living my life.
Originally posted by mjollnir
study anthropology, that'll do it for ya.
Not really. I find anthropology awesome. Probably going to take a minor in it. God can still exist even by looking at history and science.