Originally posted by smooth
2) Since they only are entitled to emergency treatment and not primary care, impoverished citizens who do seek treatment only do so once their ailment is life-threatening.
Really Dr. Smooth? While many people, rich and poor, wait to late for medical care, its based more on education and fear of the doctor then insurance. You won't hear the nurse saying 'I'm sorry but your tumor is not big enough, please come back in a few months'.
3) I would much rather pay a $150 dollar primary care visit than a $1500 emergency care visit.
Me too, though I'd rather they paid, but thats another topic.
4) Impoverished citizens are also less likely to desire or be able to leave work for a few days to recover from a minor ailment. I don't want people walking around my work, school, or children's places with communicable diseases.
Really? This is something the poor have a problem with the insured don't? Most companies are rather stingy with sick time, and being self employed I personally don't get paid sick time and my whole office has to shut down if I miss a day (all paid). I really don't desire to leave work a few days. So who are these uninsured walking around your work and your school passing the plague unto thee?
5) In the current environment of biological warfare threats, it seems that our security needs might compel us to allow for primary care coverage of non/underinsured persons. It would be tragic if a germ were dispersed to the public and the poor kept walking around spreading it because they couldn't afford to get their "bronchitis" checked out.
This one is amusing, and shows an utter lack of understanding of how people act when sick. Most ignore it until they are VERY sick, and if they do come in early the symptoms are not diagnostic. Do you check everyone who walks in with a cough for anthrax?
I'll admit that our system isn't perfect, as it does hurt the working, non-insured, lower middle class, but the 'poor' are covered fully. It was always infuriating when I could get a cat scan done for some piece of human waste who had not worked a day in their life because it was covered by the government and not for the girl who had a job and was not on the public dole. I'd be all for government subsidized insurance (you have to pay SOMETHING for it) and the total elimination of all benefits for the adult welfare class we have created in this country. There ain't no free lunch, and I've seen the socialized systems and personally don't hate people enough to support them.