Never had a lock on my door. Sure, every now and then people don't knock, they like to open the door, and sometimes just to see if i'm doing something they don't like. Sounds like it sucks right? Instead I have developed a keen sense of hearing. Just from the footstep down the hall I know exactly who might come to my room. Mind you the hallway has carpet. There are times they'll barge in and I don't hear, and it sucks... but then again, I'm still living at home right? Well, then thats the price I pay
I always just have my door shut, and people rarely bother me. Sure if I was looking at porn or something I'd want to lock my door, but other than that... I really don't care if people are in my room. (which would lead to the comment from SnakeByt, "they lock that door, i KNOW there up to no good... ") Yeah door locked = something not good in parents eyes. I have a good relationship with one of my sisters, and we just hang out in eachother's rooms sometimes, so its no biggie. Heck, thanks to her she's closed some porn on my computer so that my parents wouldn't see it.. or the time I accidently shared it on the network......
hehe. Cases like that, I'm kinda glad there was no lock. Yeah yeah the lock would stop the parents? When a parent wants to look in a child's room.. they diable the handle to get in. Also, I'm a very deep sleeper, It took me a long time just to hear my alarms... I have three of them going off 5-7 minutes from eachother.. I don't open my eyes till the 2nd now.. used to be the third.... I doubt I'll ever wake to the first. From this.. if there's a Fire, I'm in huge trouble as I'd sleep throught it. My parents could come to my room and pull me off my bed and onto the floor and I'd still continue to sleep probably. I also don't want to be in my room asleep with the door locked and a tornado comes by. Indiana has tornado's every year... One finally hit my city a few years back.... about 4 of them all at once... Room with 2 windows and lots of things that could fly around and kill me.... no thanks I'll risk it without that lock.
The only real use for the lock is if your fucking your g/f or b/f... and if the parents are home, you're already risking a lot right there... now if they want in.. I think you're already screwed.
Just shut the door and let it be known what it means... and then just make sure to leave the door open sometimes to help enforce what a closed door means.