First hand experience
I have a dell 1801FP at home, and a 1901FP at work.
The 1801FP is just about perfect, although it's not quite as adjustable as I was expecting (in the up-down, left right monitor stand kind of way), it has never been a problem. This LCD also handled both analogue and digital inputs perfectly, although you could see morrie(sp?) patterns on the X rootweave (not as bad as you see on most CRT's though) with a VGA cable, DVI cable it is fine. Play games this quite a bit, and don't notice any motion blur at all.
The 1901FP is really adjustable, never used the rotation feature though. It does seem to have a much worse A/D converter, so if you don't have a DVI card with this LCD, you will want one. Running VGA into one of these typically results in bands of fuzziness, which you don't notice, until you do, and then you can see nothing except the bands of fuzziness. This monitor is a lot more adjustable, and easier to swap cables in and out of.
So, there is my word, whatever it's worth to you.