Originally posted by Strange Famous
For a start, you do not create more peace by going to war with someone and bombing them. Look at Iraq today, is it peaceful, is their security? Jumpy American troops being ambushed, retaliating and shooting anyon ewho gets in the crossfire too...
The state infrastructure of Iraq is being broken down by this war and by UN sanctions, we have not improved the lot of the average Iraqi citizen, and you will find no reports showing Iraqi people who say that we have.
Sure, they hated Hussain, or at least many did, but they America and the UK too, Iraq is not asking for America to take it's oil, sell it to itself (at a price set by America) and then give the money back to Iraq but only to be spent how the American's say it should. Hussain is gone, the military is beaten... Iraq is asking to be left alone to pick up the pieces.
You slay me. Look at Germany six months after the major fighting stopped. There was more death, more destruction and less success. By your logic, we should have pulled out thus creating the same circumstances that happened after ww1 that led to ww2. I dont see the Germans ralling to destroy America today ( nor do i see it in Japan) and starting a new war? As per usuall, you are wrong. Again.