Originally posted by papermachesatan
Your and other's inability to figure it out does not mean it had to be God. A wide vareity of unusual accidents does not equal out to God anymore than it does 'well a invisible intangiable pink elephant set him up'. If you want to believe that God's been kicking your ass then bringing you back from the brink of death, fine. Just realize that it's an irrational one unless you can bring out some evidence.
I just have gotton to know Z over TFP, and some of his recoveries just don't seem to be natural. They seem to be miracles.. which I might add is a term used by Doctors. Also God didn't send him to death. If you get sick, you get sick.. in his case he got something in his genes..but thats another story. God may have helped him live, but I don't think God purposely made him ill.
Originally posted by papermachesatan
Hallucinations don't have to be caused by drugs. As mentioned in the article above, the electromagnetic anomolies caused by an alarm clock were sufficient to make someone see and feel things. Lots of little things can have impacts on the human mind. Seismic activies, etc. etc.
If you could, I would love to read about this person's Experiments in depth. Did he ever point out any "chills"? I'm just curious as to the details, and the subjects that he used and so on and so forth.
Originally posted by papermachesatan
BTW, what does sleeping through alarms have to do with anything? Are you actually suggesting that you slept through your alarm clock and were late for work because of *supernatural activity*??????????
You mentioned some were triggered through alarm clocks, I was merely rooting out that that isn't a possibility for me, because I"m still sleeping when they go off.
"This does not explain all religious experience by any means."
This is from the Secondly Linky. This is all I was trying to point out. What you say may be true, but what I say also has a possiblity of being true. I was in no way trying to say you were wrong
It's late, I'm tired, I'll try to reply back to this in the next coupla days. But one more thing to note.
Most religious people believe that the human body has a soul, many of them will say how the soul and the mind are very much related.. the mind is connected to the brain, and the brains helps produce the spiritual experiences.. which it is "made to do.. (The brain is set up in such a way as to have spiritual experiences and religious experiences," ) So this quote was used to "disprove" God, where as I just used it to help prove...
I'm not asking to change your mind, but I am asking you to look at the possiblity.