Team : Verdan's Dragoons
The Dragoons, under Thomas Verdan, are a mercenary company now numbering in the hundreds. They have sent a four member team to investigate a skirmish. Thomas, restless from countless negotiations has decided to lead the team himself.
Leader: Thomas Verdan
Thomas is a tactician by nature, but since he had to fight to get what he has, he is strong, quick, and knows how to use his longsword with stunning skill. His only weakness is Katrina, his wife. He never wanted her to get into combat, but he cant control everything
Katrina Verdan
If Thomas is the master of the longsword, Katrina is a goddess with the daggers. With no less then ten on her at any time, she is always prepared. Her speed is legendary, and training with several adept schools has taught her that she can bring down most opponents with a single strike, if placed well.
Ulgar Tresk
One of the members of the team not from the Verdan family, Ulgar is faced with the reality he will never be in command. This doesnt bother him as he has served Thomas for years and shows more loyalty then people would think. He is big, or huge, depending on whether he has knocked you down yet or not. Armed with a two handed battle-axe, he may not be quick, but more people then Ulgar can count have been bested by a well aimed blow.
Simon Verdan
Somewhat the black sheep of the family, Simon (son of Thomas and Katrina) trained not under weapons masters, but under an order of monks who saw weapons as a flaw. Simon is a martial arts master, and has honed his body and mind to knife edge accuracy and lethalness
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death