Originally posted by GakFace
First off, you're speaking about Z here. This is a man who has gone through A LOT.. more than mere "accidents" Although what you say sounds valid, I simply cannot figure everything to happen to Z to be Accidents.
Your and other's inability to figure it out does not mean it had to be God. A wide vareity of unusual accidents does not equal out to God anymore than it does 'well a invisible intangiable pink elephant set him up'. If you want to believe that God's been kicking your ass then bringing you back from the brink of death, fine. Just realize that it's an irrational one unless you can bring out some evidence.
Ok, so its possible.. first off, I've seen many things too. I don't do drugs, I'm barely on any meds (allergy related), and I've seen things before I even took any meds. I've seen things before my belief in God was strong, and I sleep through alarms.. simply don't hear them.
Hallucinations don't have to be caused by drugs. As mentioned in the article above, the electromagnetic anomolies caused by an alarm clock were sufficient to make someone see and feel things. Lots of little things can have impacts on the human mind. Seismic activies, etc. etc.
BTW, what does sleeping through alarms have to do with anything? Are you actually suggesting that you slept through your alarm clock and were late for work because of *supernatural activity*??????????
I've seen angels, I've seen Hell ( or at least somethin similiar), I've seen random spirits, I've even seen Deamons. It may be possible to trigger some things, but it isn't a reason for all of them. [/B]
Neurotheology - the study of religous experiences on the brain.
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