Originally posted by mrbuck12000
Since i sometimes have a hard time explaining myself (just ask my girlfriend) i found some info on website that is talking about what i am trying to get across. So instead of plagarising it i thought i would site it.
The following is from here:
'Making statements about sexual affairs in sleazeball investigations is not a duty of the President. Yet, when President Clinton lied about a sexual affair, he was impeached
On the other hand, the State of the Union IS a presidential duty. In fact, it says so in the Constitution
Article 2, Section 3
Duties of the President
He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union...
Bush blatantly lied while performing this duty.
So now we'll see...is lying to Paula Jones' attorneys an impeachable offense, but lying to Congress and the American people, while performing one of the few explicitly enumerated duties of the president, in order to build support for a war on false pretenses is NOT an impeachable offense?
But he wasn't under oath...
unless you count the "I do solemly swear to faithfully execute the duties..." part of the swearing in ceremony...)
Yes, he was under oath
As you noted, it was the Oath of Office. '
Too bad that information that Bush used has already passed the Senate house of intellegence committee three times ( which was populated by 51% democrates) so Bush was acting on intellegence that was scrutinized THREE times and passed to the president by normal channels.
Twice it was cleared and once used by Cinton. So you can not say Bush lied. The information was given to him in good faith. So no lie was committed, unless you wish to say that there was a senate conspiracy of both rebupblicans and democrates to make BOTH Clinton and Bush look bad.
This is another meme based in poorly understood information.