OK, I'm going to make up a bunch of shit here so stay with me...
They have their place. There are so many words and they each impact your conversation differently. On one end of the spectrum you have the "sissy" words, and on the other you have your curse words.
In your definition of demean, It also says dishonor. Aren't you dishonoring someone by using a word that they have banned for whatever reason?
If your spectrum of words goes from 'poo to shit' and the person's your with word tolerance only goes to 'crap,' you shouldn't use anything worse than 'crap' around them. Anything worse than Crap is a curse word.. When the person's tolerance goes beyond your spectrum then you can say whatever and it's not a curseword.. It's all relative..
I hope this is readable.. Nyquil is just not starting to kick in...
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry