people... how exactly did this thread go from "things that Iraq had" to "suppliers of those things are evil too"?
Fact: Iraq had military items it should not have had if it had followed the UN resolutions.
Now, these items *might* theoretically have been used for peaceful means, but that doesn't matter! Saddam wasn't allowed to have them, period. These items might even be supplied by the US/UK (besides the rest of the whole goddamned world), but that also doesn't matter one bit - Saddam was never *forced* to accept chemical and biological weapons, now was he? He could have said no. He is fully responsible for the subsequent use of those weapons; the suppliers are stupid and inhumane, but they're not responsible for their client's use of WMDs, unless they actively pulled the trigger.
Saddam wasn't a mindless monkey doing what the rest of the world told him to; he is fully responsible for everything he did, including the use of chemical weapons, the wars against his neighbors, and the breaking of UN sanctions. All the murder, torture and bloodshed was done in *his* name, and on *his* orders.