1 - I am sorry to have not fully complied with the rules of the forum. I think it is closely connected though. The thread is about the immorality I see in the attack on Iraq, when this attack is ordered by a "president" who many believe was not democratically elected, this is a factor, that the person leading America into war may well not really be entitled to lead that country at all. I will try to keep this part of the argument out of the thread though
2 - I call deliberately and maliciously inflicting disease and epidemic on a civilian population to be biological warfare. When you cut the water off, you do it for one reason, to prever sanitation and safe drinking water being available, you do this intentionally to cause sickness (and death) in your enemy, in this case the very civilians America claims to want to protect from (the undoubtably brital) Hussain and his Baarth faction.
This is a military source inflicting sickness on an enemy, on purpose, to force them to submit. This is how I believe a "biological attack" is defined.