Just registered. Looks like a fun place to kick around.
Some background:
Electrician by trade. Got a journeyman's license in May of 2001, passed the test first try. Went to the Associated Builder's and Contractors convention in March of 2003 and walked away national champion in the electrical competition. Took my master electrician's exam in April and failed by one point. Took it again in August and passed. Not bad for 7 years experience in the trade.
Spent 8 years in the Marines after high school, then did odd jobs here and there for a few years until I found a good career.
Been married to the same great woman for 17 years, have 3 sons together (ages 16, 15 and 12).
Anything I left out and you absolutely need to know, ask. I'll either tell you it's none of your business or I'll answer the question.