of course Russia sold weapons to Iraq, and France. The UK and America certainly did, and I'm sure China would if they had any that were any good (or they could sell the Russian one's they had at a good price)
The biological weapons found in Iraq was weed killer, and people that died in Iraq in the last 10 years died many because of the US inspired embargo that denied Iraq food and medicine.
It is true that Hussain criminally mis-directed those supplies that were available, increasing the suffering, and I'm also sure Hussain and his forces were responsible for hundreds of state sponsored murders and torturers...
What really is frightening is that the actions of Bush and his British lapdog have almost put a man as bad, as courrupt, and as sadistic, as Hussain in the moral high ground.
I dont think any of us would deny though how much safer Iraq would be if not crippled by the legacy of British colonialist rule, and if the CIA hadnt helped Hussain gain power and helped arm him for 10 years.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas