Concerning Bowling for Columbine I rather enjoyed the movie for its social commentary rather then the message. I believe Mike contradicted himself. His intent was to show that gun’s are bad and that they don’t solve anything. Instead the movie showed me that guns are not the cause but symptom of our degrading society and I really enjoyed the movie for that.
People who are against guns might not have seen the contradiction in the movie or like Four Fingers illustrates only saw what they wanted to see. When such a person walks up to me and asks if I like the movie and hears my positive response they might assume that I like the movie for the same reason they do. Further more when they are arguing with some one who is pro-gun they might use my positive opinion of the movie to support their own point. Even though I don’t like it for the reason they do. Now a person might hear this and think that if two people share the same view then they might be right, so this person chooses to believe the anti-gun advocate out of faith.
I believe this is a nice illustration of how poor beliefs are able to proliferate and gain support.