Un lots of errors in your statement, and your naivate betrays your understanding of Bush's tactics.
First of all, we found biological weapons in Iraq. Read my thread of what we found in IRaq. So your first claim is wrong.
Second, we fought smart and with minimal loss to Iraqi life. In Iraq under Saddam, there were on averag of 100,000 murders a year. The year that the big bad Bush comes in, Iraq suffered less than 5000 casualties. So why is the year of the American invasion the SAFEST year in recent Iraqi history?
Again, read my thread "who armed Saddam" and you will see that the morally superior France, China, Russia, and Germany ( you know, the ones that violated the UN and sold Saddam weapons for oil) armed Saddam. So again, your argument blows nothing but smoke.
I have a suggestion, how about instead of getting your information second hand from college kids in coffee shops, you do actuall research?
A red flag comes up each time in debate when someone mentions "children and elderly?"
So I guess you would be happier had we followed France and co's suggestion and let 100,000 more per year die in Iraq as opposed to less than 5000 this year and then none next year? Your math, your logic, and your heart are all in the wrong place.