"But I don't think a shit film with great effects should be able to get an oscar."
Terminator 3? That was the most embarrassing theatrical experience I've had since Dungeons & Dragons. That movie was TERRIBLE. It left a hollow feeling after the movie was over. I had to go back and watch Terminator 2 again to regain my love of the series. Graphics: Come on people, THE CRANE. And when the T-800 was being pulled through the building by the crane.....CG. It was blatantly obvious. When his head got torn off. CG. Obvious CG. Almost all of the action scenes had that "one part" where you could tell it was just blended into CG and it all became fake. Just to make sure, I booted up the DVD (I'm still a huge fan of the Terminator series) and looked at the "special effects" part, and yes, all those are CG. I was right.
You can even pause it at certain parts on the DVD and laugh at the horrible CG. Boot up Reloaded during the "ultra cartoony and obviously fake" Burly Brawl. NOT ONE PART looks fake if you pause it. The only reason people say it looks "cartoony" and "fake" is because nothing like that could EVER happen with real actors. It's called Excellent Use of CGI, people. Just because the characters did some kung-fu moves that a real person couldn't do in real life doesn't mean the graphics are bad. It means it's amazing.
And then skip to Revolutions. The APUs. (Armored Personel Units). Those things looked REAL. The sentinels. They looked excellent! Think of all those Agent Smiths lined up at the end. THOUSANDS. It didn't look fake at all!
All I'm asking for here is a NOMINATION. I don't care if it wins, Return of the King had EXCELLENT graphics as well. But they deserve to be nominated at least. Peter Pan? Come on.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.