Location: Orange County, California
In this sexuality forum, I read a ton of stuff that either makes me want to die laughing, or feel very bad for the amount of chumps that seem to post the same questions over and over. I think that some of you that follow this thread are now beginning to understand how it all works, and hopefully when you see other threads on here from AFCs you can give them a little helpful advice on how life really works. I am going to reiterate on the friend zone and how to handle yourself when trying to date, for all those who are needing a new lesson.
The Friend Zone
This has been discussed many times, but for the sake of saving you guys headaches, it boils down to this: You ACT like a friend, you will BE a friend.
If you DISPLAY traits that friends have, she’ll consider you a friend. Notice the use of the word display, not if you tell her you want to be friends. So how do you avoid falling into the friend zone? Well…
You attract her.
So many guys TRY to be friends first, thinking that they’ll advance from there. We all know that doesn’t happen except in movies (think of your odds being the same as winning the lotto).
You remain confident, and don’t let her walk all over you
Friends buy friends stuff. Friends hang out with each other all the time. Friends call each other “just to talk” (if you’re dealing with a girl that is). Friends talk about problems, alpha males don’t! You listen to her problems, you become her friend. This has been discussed before, so I’ll leave it at that.
Dating Vs. Relationships
It’s important to figure out your goals. I’m personally in this for dating right now, and I’m not interested in relationships. I want to perfect my game more and more and worry about relationships when I get older. So what do I do?
I don’t date girls on Fridays or Saturdays. I don’t do what they tell me. I don’t spend hours with them. I don’t get together with them more than once, or occasionally twice a week. I don’t call them everyday, I don’t buy them stuff, and I don’t get all emotional.
I act like I’m dating. That means I call her maybe once a week, but only to setup a time to meet. I’m not interested in small talk. It accomplishes nothing over the phone except eliminating kino, eye contact, body language, and mystery. When we do hang out, I keep it short, and leave when things are going good. Think that is odd? Well you would all cry at the amount of tail that I get.
Over Emotional Guys
I almost want to tell you to drop your emotions! Guys that react to quickly are unattractive. Guys that get pissed too easily, or guys that are to sensitive, wtf! Girls don’t like this. You don’t even have to say you’re pissed or yell, a girl can tell by your body language. What you need to do is relax and not let things get to you. If a girl flakes out on you, it’s almost always your fault. You mis-read her, you displayed traits you shouldn’t have, you did something wrong (except the occasional flakes that actually do happen on accident, but VERY rarely). You’re not going to call this girl and bitch at her. You’re going to act alpha. If a girl flakes out on you for coffee, if you’re not ready to NEXT, you wait till the next day in which you call and say:
“Hey (insert girls name here). I know you’re probably upset that I didn't make it yesterday, but my car broke down and I had left my cell phone at home that day. Maybe we can get together early next week?”
Save face, and avoid bitching at her with, “I can’t believe you did that!” or “You really missed out!” which shows her that you’re upset. Obviously won’t do anything for you.
Keep in mind that girls WILL read between the lines. They analyze EVERYTHING! And words are the least analyzed thing. Body language, behavior, tone, attitude, that all gets analyzed more than words. It’s actions that girls look into, so you have to learn to play the game, not talk the game.
These are just some examples to non-verbal things that can put you certain situations you don’t want to be in, then you wonder how you got there. An example of a non-verbal, positive thing is distance flirting.
You distance flirt with a girl. Completely non-verbal, however it puts you in the situation where you have a girl that’s attracted and ANTICIPATING your approach. You don’t walk up to a girl and say, “I’m going to approach you in 5 minutes. Go build up some anticipation before I come back.” You DO SOMETHING to MAKE it HAPPEN! Get it?
Another example: How can you tell a guy is nervous just by observing him? Well, his body language/nervous habits. Pacing, biting of nails, constant fidgeting (especially if he usually doesn’t fidget), etc. So being alpha is really based off of non-verbal communication.
Your posture, your tone, your body language, your EYES, your facial expressions, your walk, your confidence: all non-verbal things that display alpha male qualities, thus categorizing you as an alpha male in her mind.
I could truly go on for hours, but this is an intro that should make you guys aware of the other 90-95% of your game which is the non-verbal part. Pay attention to it, and think of situations where you NEXTed because of your non-verbal communication. You should really pay more attention to what you're REALLY saying by not actually saying anything!
Last edited by Plan9Senior; 12-27-2003 at 02:36 AM..